Welcome to St. George's !

Holy Week and Easter at St. George's

Palm Sunday - April 13 - Holy Eucharist -8am and 1030am 
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week - Holy Eucharist -530pm 
Maundy Thursday - April 17 - Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar - 7pm 
Good Friday - April 18 - Celebration of the Lord's Passion - 12 noon 
Holy Saturday - April 19 - The Great Vigil of Easter - 9pm 
Easter Sunday - April 20 - Holy Eucharist - 8am and 1030am 

Worship Services 

Sunday Services 

8am - Holy Eucharist  - Book of Common Prayer 

10:30am - Holy Eucharist - Book of Alternative Services 

Nursery and Sunday School during the 10:30am service 

Choral Evensong on the Fourth Sunday of each month September through June